webERP ERP Software Review

webERP is an open-source entirely web-based ERP solution that allows anyone to contribute their ERP knowledge to the development of webERP. WebERP is a accounting and ERP solution that can be accessible through a browser and pdf readers.
The main advantage of an open-source ERP system is that it is free to download and use.
webERP Key Features:
- webERP Order Entry: webERP Order Entry allows users to enter quotations that can then be changes to an order upon customer acceptance, allows for multiple dispatches from a single order, orders entered can be invoiced directly with little additional input, pricing can be set to take effect from specific dates and can provide companies with daily sales reports and ad-hoc sales reports.
- webERP Taxes: provides companies with taxation options for many countries, allows companies to use tax categories so tax rates are dependent on type of product, allows for tax rates to also be dependent on location of the warehouse the order is shipped from and allows multiple taxs payable to different tax authorities.
- webERP Accounts Receivable: webERP provides many account receivable features including inquires on payments received to show how the payment was allocated to invoices and difference exchange attributed to each invoice and can be fully integrated with stock records and general ledger to provide users a full trail of journals for each transaction.
- webERP Inventory: offers companies a large array of inventory features including the inclusion of unlimited number of warehouses, provides a history of stock movements allowing companies full traceability, allows for standard costs to be manually maintained or automatically generate average costs and provides companies with the inventory usage per month.
- webERP Purchasing: helps companies by allowing purchase orders to be in any currency, goods received can be entered up to the purchase order quantity plus user defined percentage for over deliveries, allows for purchase orders to be emailed to defined suppliers and purchase order approval processes can be defined and followed.
- webERP Accounts Payable: allows a company’s suppliers to be defined in any currency, allows for invoices to be entered against the good received with user definable allowances, provides an aged listing of balances that shows either a summary of balances or a more detailed invoice by invoice account balance and includes a fully integrated general ledger to help companies control account balances.
- webERP Bank: allows bank accounts can be in any currency and it allows for payments/receipts to be paid in any currency as well, helps companies keep track of transfers between accounts by either entry of payment to another bank account or by the receipt of the transfer and calculates and posts general ledger unrealized exchange differences in foreign currency bank account balances.
- webERP General Ledger: provides companies with many general ledger features including balance sheet and profit and loss statements, posts journals into any periods, provides reverse journals, allows for accounts to be grouped using relational methods and account groups can be organized in a hierarchical structure.
- webERP Manufacturing: provides companies with multiple level bills of materials designed to help sopt errors, provides automatic cost roll up on changes of BOM or component costs, provides companies with work order costing that automatically provides the weighted average costs and provides a full MRP solution containing production schedule and forecasting.
- webERP Contract Costing: webERP contract costing provides job costing to be created for select customers using a variety of requirements that can later be converted into quotes and provides full reports on contract costs and quoted cost differences.
- webERP Fixed Assets: asset can be added through purchase orders or supplier invoices, allows for disposal of fixed assets through sales order entry and provides companies with integrated GL entries based on asset category.