IBM Unveils Valuenet Solutions Strategy for Publishing Industry At NEXPO 98 and Connections

IBM Agreement with Zebra Pushware Technology Highlights Commitment to Provide Publishers Technology and Expertise to Leverage New Digital Opportunities

ORLANDO, Fla (June 18, 1998) – IBM today released details of an all-new Publisher’s Valuenet initiative, a set of enterprise-wide technology and consulting solutions that will enable publishers to capitalize on new Web-based opportunities and enhance the creation, management and distribution of their media assets.
The IBM Publisher’s Valuenet, introduced at NEXPO 98 and Connections, is a series of enterprise-wide, network computing solutions that leverages IBM/Lotus WorkFlow technologies to enable publishers to exploit new digital economic opportunities. IBM’s Publisher’s Valuenet allows global newspaper, magazine, and book publishers to cost-effectively extend their brand on the Internet and generate new revenues while still maintaining a traditional print industry presence. IBM uses the Lotus Notes backbone for an architecture that addresses both traditional print and online distribution models.
”IBM understands the impact that digital technology and new, electronic markets are having on the publishing industry, and IBM is committed to delivering solutions that enable publishers to bridge the gap between traditional print and Web-based systems,” said Peter O’Sullivan, Director, Publishing, IBM Global Telecommunications and Media Industries. ”We believe that IBM’s technologies, combined with our strategic publishing industry partnerships, provide publishers with comprehensive solutions that allow them to reduce costs, increase efficiencies and capitalize on new market opportunities.”
IBM will showcase a broad range of enterprise-wide, industry-specific solutions under a Valuenet umbrella that helps publishers tap into new digital market opportunities. As a publishing industry technology provider, IBM has solutions that help publishers strengthen brand identity and extend that brand to transition to an online franchise. IBM offers publishers end-to-end solutions for the creation of original content or media, the management of vast amounts of rich data and the secure distribution of media.
IBM’s Valuenet architecture will provide publishers with a flexible blueprint to integrate multiple solutions from multiple vendors in such high-impact areas as production, advertising sales, customer support, fulfillment and distribution.

Source: IBM
