Deacom Food Processor ERP Provider Joins AMI

Deacom recently announced its membership into the American Meat Institute. Deacom traditionally provides it ERP Solution for mid to large sized food processors. With its entry into AMI, Deacom is now connected to a huge percentage of the red meat and turkey suppliers in the US. With their membership, Deacom hopes to improve profitability within the food industry through improved efficiency.

Deacom’s ERP Software gives food processors the ability to conduct a number of business operations through their comprehensive system. All inventory, purchasing, and sales features are easily conducted through Deacom’s software. Through this integrated system, processors are easily able to efficiently conduct operations and improve workflow within their organization. By using a single system, all business activities are coordinated to improve accuracy in accounting as well as improve workflow.

Deacom’s membership into AMI should prove significant in the near future. In being able to work closely with top meat and poultry processing companies, Deacom will be able to provide further customized solutions more specifically tailored to meet the needs of these companies. In creating solutions that match the needs of these organizations, more companies will be quick to adopt Deacom ERP solutions for their own organizations.

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