IBM Netfinity servers and DB2 universal database shatter price/performance records

Leading TPC-D price/performance results demonstrate affordable business intelligence solutions for midsize organizations

SOMERS, N.Y (June 02, 1998) – . IBM today announced record-breaking performance for business intelligence solutions based on its Netfinity* line of Intel processor-based servers. These test results shatter price/performance records set by Compaq, Dell and NEC, bringing powerful, cost-effective business intelligence solutions within reach of the midsize, data-rich business. The Netfinity 7000 server running IBM’s DB2* Universal Database posted the highest power (987.2 QppD@100GB) and the highest throughput (362.4 QthD@100GB) recorded on a four-processor, Windows NT-based server at the lowest price/performance ratio ($284/QphD@100GB) in the industry.
Business intelligence — including data warehousing, data mining and on-line analytical processing (OLAP) tools — allows companies to gain additional insights from their data. IBM servers and business intelligence tools are enabling organizations around the world to make faster, more informed decisions about which markets to enter, which customers to recruit and which products to promote, with the goal of increasing
profitability and competitiveness.
“Organizations of all sizes are increasingly looking for ways to tap into their data resources to gain competitive advantage” said Lineene Krasnow, vice president of marketing, IBM Netfinity. “The exceptional performance and affordability of IBM Netfinity servers, combined with IBM’s DB2 Universal Database, are making it possible for businesses beyond the Fortune 100 to equip themselves with the data analysis and decision making tools previously unavailable to them.”
“IBM’s DB2 Universal Database was essential in establishing this key industry milestone,” said Jim Kelly, vice president, data management marketing, IBM Software Solutions. “Today’s results demonstrate our commitment to providing our Windows NT customers with functionally rich, powerful, and affordable business intelligence offerings and show off the excellent capabilities of DB2 Universal Database in raw power and
outstanding price/performance for the most demanding users.”
When compared to Compaq’s published results; the IBM Netfinity results are significantly better; with 9% greater power, 31% greater throughput, and 55% better price/performance.(1)
Price/Performance Ratio — $/each QphD:
IBM Netfinity 7000 w/DB2 — $284
Compaq Proliant 6500 w/Oracle — $632
The performance breakthroughs, which were verified by Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC) auditors on May 29, 1998, ranked
the Netfinity 7000 and DB2 Universal Database as the performance leader among all hardware and database vendors for one-hundred gigabytes of data, and the price/performance leader overall. The planned availability of the DB2 Universal Database software used to achieve these results is October 31, 1998. An executive summary of the TPC-D report can be obtained on the Internet from IBM Netfinity at
The Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC**) Benchmark D simulates data modeling and trend analysis of information contained within a large database such as a data mart or data warehouse. Customers can use TPC-D results to better understand the relative performance of business intelligence systems from different vendors. More information on the TPC-D benchmark can be found at the Transaction Processing
Performance Council web site at
In a related announcement, last week IBM announced a trial license of its DB2 Universal Database for Windows NT will be shipped with IBM Netfinity 3500, 5500 and,7000 servers, allowing users to test DB2 Universal Database at no additional charge for 60 days.

Source: IBM
